Since I’ve been working from my home office the last few years, it strikes me that I don’t drive much anymore. Well, I drive to the airport a fair bit, but day-to-day driving is a thing of my past. I was thinking about it because I have young teens who are already anxiously focused on learning how to drive. When we are in the car, they ask tons of questions about how the car works, what the driving laws are, how other drivers respond, etc. It struck me that when they asked about mirrors and how often I use them, I really don’t look in my rearview mirror much. Sure, I use it to check when I’m backing up and going that direction, or to do a quick check to ensure that someone else is not going to hit my car from behind. What I don’t do is use the rearview mirror to determine my direction or progress driving forward.
So, why do we spend so much time looking back in business when we are trying to drive the organization forward?
I first ran into this thinking when I moved from the HR practitioner/ leader ranks to that of a full-time analyst. The thing that surprised me the most was that analysts tend to do surveys that predominantly focus on what happened in the past as a way to predict the future. Now, that IS very valuable, however, business leaders don’t necessarily benefit from only looking to the past to determine their future direction or approach. In fact, there are some clear barriers to predominantly focusing on the business rearview mirror.
Barriers when we look back
- Best Practice- Analysts and companies provide statistics on the “best practices” of an industry or company. These are certainly interesting data points to consider in your organization, and I do value these. However, when we try to adopt some other organization’s “best practice” without understanding what our real business issues are, we run the risk of choosing and implementing a process or solutions that may not apply to our workplace. It also may not drive the appropriate business results.
- False Solutions- A trap many leaders bring to a new organization is proposing a solution based on what they did in a prior company. Similar to the best practice, this false solution may not address any of the current company’s problems. Time and again, we find leaders pursuing a solution in search of a problem, not the other way around.
- Failure Focus- There are nay-sayers in every organization. The barrier is letting these people get you hung up on what went wrong in prior projects and letting that derail future progress.
- Excruciatingly Slow Data Analytics- A majority of organization leaders I talk to say that they do not have access to all the data they have. This means they have no simple, efficient, accurate way to pull data together in order to make a business decision. By taking too long to get data on the past, the data becomes stale and can lead to missing out on opportunities to make the organization better today.
- Future Fear- Showing other leaders that we fear the future is going to influence them in embracing their fears as well.
While there are many other barriers, you get the point that by primarily focusing behind us, we may be missing out on opportunities to excel, to drive the business forward, or to fall behind competitors. Everything we do should not be a response to someone else’s move. As leaders, the best thing we can do is suggest new and innovative approaches to process, to thinking and to solutions.
What are you doing today? Are you looking back, or to the future? Let me know what techniques you use to move yourself, your team and your organization forward. Please share in the comments.