Today we embark on another Work/Life discussion in my ‘Leader’s Series’ with Bill Boorman of the UK firm Bill Boorman Consultancy. For those who do not know Bill, he is quite a force in the Recruiting/HR/Social Media space. He not only runs a successful firm, he is the founder of TruLondon (The Recruiting Unconference London).
As a reminder, it was a discussion that started back in October about whether or not the need for work/life flexibility was generationally driven and what can be done to make it work. We’ve heard from Eric Winegardner of and from me. Now it’s Bill’s turn. Please take a moment to watch his video blog on his ideas of work/life flexibility. Also, Bill will be hosting a conversation about this topic today on GoogleWave. We’re adding all the HR/Recruiting people we have wave addresses for. If you have not been added, DM me on Twitter @TrishMcFarlane or add your request to the comment section. The wave will begin at 4:00 pm EST/ 9:00 pm in London. Enjoy!
the social media threat on work/life/life/work is really actually very scary. i guarantee you – if it hasn’t happened already – that divorce on the grounds of social media abuse is right around the corner. it’s like this very powerful tool that people don’t really know what to do with – there are no boundaries to its use. And as you put it, Bill, setting those boundaries is really important!
There’s always the Social Media Addiction Association