While I’m off playing and participating in serious learning at TRU London, I am happy to have Margo Rose guest post for me. Margo is a SEO consultant at Stonehill Law Firm. She is also the author of the HR Margo blog and the co-host of ‘Compassionate HR’ on blogtalk radio. You can also find her on Twitter @HRMargo.
Thank you Margo for taking over the HR Ringleader reigns for a day.
I attended HRevolution back in November of 2009. Since that time, I have formed meaningful business relationships with more people than I can count. When the HR Ringleader gave me the opportunity to write as her guest, I knew that I wanted to address my passion for The Un-Conference Movement.
What were the benefits of HRevolution?
1) Meet tremendous professionals from around the US in an informal setting
2) Exchange ideas about the latest trends in HR Technology
3) Learn from the thought leaders in the HR and Recruiting community
4) Dig deep into topics you want to learn and discus application and execution
5) Study and benchmark best blogging practices
6) Gain access to instructions that beginning and advanced bloggers use
7) Engage with people you can call upon when you need advice on just about any HR topic
8) Have fun with some of the most interesting people in our industry
9) Make connections about how HR Leaders are using social media to move their organization forward
10) Encounter a diverse group professionals that span each HR discipline
HRevolution gave me the courage and inspiration to start a blog, launch a new blogtalkradio program, network with my role-models, and make new friends. What more can a person ask for in this day and age? The networking that takes place at HRevolution is beyond compare. Because of the informal setting, you can learn so much more. Rather than a lecture on a topic, the un-conference opens a dialogue where meaningful exchange takes place. You leave with information you can apply back at the office.
What is the greatest benefit of attending an un-conference?
Without a doubt, it was the opportunity to build relationships with some of the smartest, most talented people in the industry.
Formal conferences certainly have their place, but the un-conference format gave me access to people I would have never been able to meet otherwise. People genuinely want to help one another in this setting. Whether you are a seasoned professional with 20 years experience, or new to the occupation, HRevolution provides value. Plain and simple, un-conferences are value builders. Back in November, I was in a career transition. I was there to learn and network. People gave me advice and tips that helped me land the job I have today.
I took copious notes at the last un-conference in Louisville. When I got home, I wrote one of my first blogposts. However, it was a few months after the un-conference when I began to realize what it was that really stuck with me. It all boiled down to this: relationships. I now have people I can call, email, write and talk to about recruiting, human resources, social media, blogging, and blogtalkradio.
There is value beyond compare to have access to these people, people who have revolutionized the way I see HR today and how I may see HR/Recruiting, and Social Media tomorrow. In this ever changing medium, HR Technology continues to change as break-neck speed. It is only through attending both conferences and un-conferences that we are able to learn the latest and greatest, and stay informed. As my mentor used to say, we are only as viable as we are current. Staying current is where it’s at, and it will continue to be. By attending HRevolution you will sharpen your tools, meet new professionals and take your skills to the next level.
Margo- Nice post!~ I have yet to attend an Unconference, but I am planning on definately attend as many as I can. I do think structure has it’s place, but the beauty of the unconference setting is that you can really get to know people, learn so much, and make the human connection. I am looking forward to neeting you in person later this year.
I have been blessed to work with you, and appreciate the continued friendship, and support.
Margo – excellent post on the value of the Un-Conference. I just recently discovered this unique take on HR conferences have to say that I love this idea! There are so many conferences that are so structured, that they leave out the most valuable part: networking! I’m hoping to attend an unconference soon and look forward to meeting all of the great people I’ve virtually met on Twitter.
Keep up the great work!
Shennee, I sincerely hope you make it to HRevolution in May. It’s going to be wonderful.