When I was a little girl, I kept a diary. I loved it because it was yellow, it had Ziggy on the cover, and most of all because it had a lock and kept my thoughts private. I was never any good at writing in it daily though and before long, I gave it up. Fast forward to college and I rediscovered my love of writing. This time, I realized that it’s not necessarily important to write every day, but to make sure I use writing as a way to work through my thoughts and ideas.
Since those college days, I’ve had many journals. Then, I found blogging. This medium works perfectly for me because I find that I like to share my ideas. Through this sharing, I find support, challenge, new ways to look at the world and a way to meet people. But, for every post I write that is public, I have my trusty journal that I still use to hand write all my ideas.
Sometimes, what I’m writing about is so personal, so hurtful or hard, that I do not share. I say that now because when I have issues going on, it makes it really difficult to write HR or business-related posts here. I’m having one of those times now.
I have been dealing with two very sick, elderly dogs at home. One had throat cancer and the other had dementia. I had to make the tough decision on Good Friday to put them to sleep. Add that to some personal issues and it’s the perfect storm of being less inspired. So, please hang in there with me as I get back in the writing saddle.
One Comment
Thank you so much for sharing I can certainly relate and appreciate the transparency for it allows us to reveal ourselves in our most vulnerable state. My codolences for you loss.