*From the dusty archives…
It’s been several weeks since I removed my old blog roll and started highlighting bloggers I recommend. If you missed my post on blowing up my blog roll, the reason is that I think the list of blogs is long and anyone new to my site would not understand what each blog I like is about or why I read them. Instead, they would just have some random link to a blog.
I will highlight several blogs each month and add them to a new page. I hope the additional detail will help people find some great blogs to read. Here are my four for today:
- Seiden Leadership– This blog, by author, acclaimed speaker, and advisor to SmartBrief Workforce Jason Seiden, is one of my “must reads” every day. Jason is the author of two highly successful business books; ‘How To Self Destruct‘ and ‘Super Staying Power‘. Jason’s blog mixes solid leadership advice with humor and a good dose of snark. He covers everything from business to politics to music. Best of all, Jason tells you how to LIVE. I don’t mean like all kumbaya. I mean, he tells you how not to be a jerk, how to be a better colleague, a better boss, a better friend, a better parent. That’s pretty damn cool. Now go, read his stuff. Oh, and be sure to reach out to him because he’s someone you’ll want to know.
- Inflexion Point– Mark Stelzner. Need I say more? I don’t think I do, but I will for the sake of this being a blog I just told you I’d tell you about. Mark is a respected industry leading consultant who guides us on all things related to business strategy and operations as it relates to human resources. He is an advisor to SmartBrief Workforce and also founded Job Angels, a grass roots movement to help job seekers. Mark’s writing style is direct and is often in story-telling mode. When you read his posts, you’ll feel as if you’re on the journey with him, not just reading something where you’re on the outside looking in. I think that is one thing that makes his blog so special. You become PART of it with him.
- Simply Lisa– Don’t let her blog’s title fool you, there is nothing simple about Lisa Rosendahl or her blog. Lisa is a seasoned HR pro and blogger who has been recognized by more industry experts than I can list here. Suffice to say, she’s a writer you need to follow. Lisa brings the practical, “in the trenches” side of HR to you in her blog. She also brings a unique spin on all aspects of human resources. Throw in a little on social media and some posts on how Lisa personally deals with challenges and you’ve got a great blog to add to your reader.
- tHRyving– Kelly Long authors this GenY blog. While relatively new to the space, don’ t let that or the fact that she’s early in her career stop you from subscribing. It’s the main reason I read her posts. She brings a fresh look to some of the old, tired processes of HR. Kelly tells us what is on the mind of college students and those recent graduates as they enter the HR arena. She is basically like a coach for all of us who have been doing this job for a long time. And, we NEED her. What a great opportunity to hear from someone like Kelly so that we can understand what motivates our future leaders. So, take a moment and head over to her blog. She’s definitely thrYving!
So, if you’re not already subscribed to these four blogs (OR Mine for that matter), why not do it today? I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. And, if you have any feedback on why you like reading Jason, Mark, Lisa, or Kelly, add that to the comments.
Trish, thank you for the acknowledgement. I had no idea you were doing this and was surprised to see my name in a post title! Always offering something new, making me stop, think, and question – you, Kelly, Mark and Jason are not only on my “must read” list but also people always willing to lend a hand or an ear.
Great list of people to subscribe, read, and become buddies with. I’ve been lucky enough to talk to both Jason and Mark on the phone and quickly found out that they are people that I can learn from.
Hopefully I can connect with Lisa and Kelly soon as well!
Great write up, Trish!
Wow! How did I make the cut with all this truly terrific talent? Seiden?…Lisa?…Kelly?..heck, what about you Trish? You all are the people that *I* read so everyone needs to skip my silly little blog and spend their time with the true geniuses. You’re way too kind to me Trish, thanks.
Talk about embarrassing: I just got off a call with you and never said thank you… please know that lack of etiquette was only because I didn’t know you had done this!
Trish, I think it’s great that you’re taking the time to profile various bloggers and giving people more than just a list of names. It’s the kind of helpful thing you do that makes you a great asset to the community, and raises the bar for everyone.
So thank you both for raising the bar, and also for including me in your network. You keep good company—you are good company. I’m glad to know I’m part of it… now I need to raise my own game to make sure I stay there.
@Jason, @Mark, @Lisa- You are all so great and I appreciate the gratitude. You all make me think AND learn and what more could a person ask for from a blog they spend time reading. I hope you continue to get many more readers. One thing I hear a lot is that there are so many blogs out there to read. I like that you are all talking around similar areas, but your unique voices make each blog WELL worth the time to read. Keep up the great work and keep challenging me and all your readers with your ideas.
@Rich- Thanks for commenting. I highly recommend getting Lisa and Kelly on the phone. Both at very different stages of their careers and each one is full of ideas and enthusiasm.
Trish – great selections. 3 of these 4 are on my blogroll as well and I am going to check out Lisa’s blog right now!
I love this idea. Thanks Trish, keep the great recommendations coming.
@Jason- Thanks for reading and commenting. Glad you found a new blog to follow. Lisa is a good one.