In the spirit of the infamous Michael Long (aka. The Red Recruiter) and his idea for using #followHR on Twitter, Mike Owcarz and I came up with an idea of a way to use hashtags on Twitter to get to know eachother better. The premise is quite simple.
Write a tweet that has your name then a list of tags that describe you. Be sure to include #myhashtags so that it will be searchable on Twitter. For example, mine might be:
Trisha McFarlane #HR #twinmom #socialmedia #STL #scrapbooking #doglover #blogger. #myhashtags
Let’s see if we can begin learning more about eachother so we can form stronger connections across our network. If you have any ideas, please contact me or Mike Owcarz via Twitter. (@Trish_HR, or @MikeOwcarz)
I’m just afraid someone will see mine and wonder, “Why in the heck did I EVER follow that weirdo?” 🙂
Perhaps #Tweirdo 😉 Okay… I did mine.
It looked like this:
“#myhashtags #recruiting #recruiter #HR #speaker #training #guitar #travel #argentina #guatemala #husband #georgetown #awesomethumbwrestler”
Is that how we are supposed to do it?
Looking forward,