Today’s post is especially dedicated to the HR professionals who are just getting into social media. I know there are some of you out there that read my blog. I want to spend today highlighting some great work by other HR pros that falls into the realm of unleashing creativity to drive the future of HR. Please check out the links below to learn more about some of the great events that are going on now or coming up that demonstrate how we are evolving as a profession. Even better, try to attend at least one event.
The first is TalentCamp. TalentCamp is the brainchild of Susan Burns of Talent Synchronicity. It is going on right now on the beautiful Oregon coast. Susan brought together many great HR minds to ponder the idea of “what if the HR function didn’t exist today, BUT a business need was identified that recognized there was a synergistic relationship to be leveraged with talent in a way that would drive adaptive business practices.” I am anxiously awaiting the outcomes of TalentCamp. I’m also looking forward to learning from the HR pros attending the event.
Next up is Fail Spectacularly on November 4th! This is a night of fun hosted by Laurie Ruettimann and Jason Seiden in Chicago during the Kennedy Information’s Onrec 2009 Conference and Expo. Laurie and Jason are bringing people together to give them the opportunity to jump on stage and talk about how business is failing spectacularly. Chicago is central to almost everyone, so I encourage you to attend. Click here for the registration information. Oh, and did I mention it’s FREE? Yes, in this day and age you can get quality time with outstanding HR/leadership pros for gratis!
A MUST attend for HR pros is the upcoming HRevolution in beautiful and exotic Louisville, KY on November 6- 7, 2009. We’re bringing some of the top HR bloggers and HR pros to talk about the future of HR, how blogging plays a role, social media, recruiting, and more. It’s your chance to be part of the discussion and it’s only $50! There are only a few remaining spots open, so sign up today via the registration link.
Ok, two more REALLY important plugs: First, if you haven’t heard the HR Happy Hour and you work in human resources, you need to listen in. Hosts Steve Boese and Shauna Moerke will be broadcasting live from Fail Spectacularly and HRevolution. Check them out at for the full show line-up. The second plug is for anyone who will be in the D.C. area (or can get to it) on November 19th. Jason Seiden will be signing copies of his new book ‘Super Staying Power’ at a happy hour event with JobAngels and SmartBrief. Check out the details here. It is a great way to get out and support our colleagues who are really making a difference.