If you’re like me, you are bombarded with information. At home, at work, driving around town, at the gym. From advertising to social media, information is coming at us at lightning speed. It can be overwhelming.
Whether you are in human resources, recruiting, marketing, or finance, the way we communicate is becoming more important. From the words we use to the images we include, it’s all part of a larger “brand” management strategy. Why? Because the thought is that more information equals greater impact.
I disagree.
Do you want your message to stand out and be understood? Want your employees or candidates to understand something?
Say what you want. Say what it is.
**I wanted to write more, but that wouldn’t have been keeping it simple now, would it?
Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler~Albert Einstein
I love the message! Life is complicated. Simple is best!
@Benjamin & @Shennee- Thanks. Period. 🙂