Respect: The Answer To All The Questions


May 24, 2011

I’m going to give you the answer first, then all the questions.

The answer is RESPECT.

And now, the questions:

  • What is the key to success?
  • What motivates employees to come to work and really give it their all?
  • What is the one thing that managers can give that has no cost but is worth more than anything?
  • What is the one thing that when missing will cause employees to leave your company?

In business, we talk endlessly about how employees can be more productive.  We envision the ways that we can develop their skills, give them challenging projects, and turn them into the superstars of the team.  What we don’t talk enough about is respect.  Respect can have varying meanings to each of us, but basically it is the act of treating someone with esteem and holding them in high regard.

Here’s the challenge

I want you to think about respect today.

And tomorrow.

And the next day.

I want you to think about the tone of voice you use with your spouse or significant other, your children, your boss, your employee, your colleagues, and people you interact with in public.  I want you to just make an effort to really go out of your way to show respect.  Listen more, be attentive, be open to hearing someone else’s ideas, and instead of assuming the worst about someone, assume the best.

That’s what I’ll be doing with my time…won’t you join me?



  • Too little a effort that could pay more…Awesome thoughts!

    Instead of thinking ways and means to increase employee’s productivity, just by giving RESPECT could get one better results…and good part is, it doesn’t cost one anything 🙂

  • The mere concept of respect is lost on today’s culture. I will give some examples of the total lack of respect in todays culture: How many people hold the door for others? How many thank the door holder? How many people are texting whilst in the middle of a real conversation in a “clandestine (not)” way? How ’bout tweeting in the middle of a meeting? How ’bout a meeting facilitator being as long-winded as humanly possible? What about a supervisor with bad breath getting in a subordinate’s face when they could have easily had a breath mint, chose to not berate them and stayed out of the 3′ radius comfort zone?

    I like what you have to say; but with all due respect, if we don’t change these ways ourselves and lead by example, we’re going to be fighting an uphill battle.

    I will be happy to ally myself with you in this fight. I hope others will join in.

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About Trish

A former HR executive and HCM product leader with over 20 years of experience.


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