Everyone lies.
Try to think of one person you’ve met who doesn’t lie. It’s impossible. From the moment we’re old enough to start having some shred of freedom to make decisions as children, we lie. Of course when young children do it, we tend to call it a “fib” or a “white lie” because this implies that it is not a big deal. “Johnny, did you color on your wall?” “No mommy.” Johnny says this even though he’s an only child and the only one in his room all day. Why? Because the power that Mommy has over him scares him and he’s afraid to tell the truth because he knows there will be consequences and he doesn’t want to deal with them.
We also deceive in order to:
- Avoid disapproval
- To manipulate
- To maintain control
- To avoid consequences
- To save face for ourselves or others
That is really the essence of why people lie. As adults we may try to convince ourselves or others that lying is a good way to spare someone’s feelings or avoid a sticky situation. It becomes so routine that we do it almost involuntarily and even when we don’t need to lie. Ever ask a co-worker how they’re doing and they say “great”? Then a day later you learn they just lost their house or their spouse lost their job? But, the person lies to you so they don’t have to deal with explaining how they really feel. Most people would argue that this type of lie is about saving face or keeping things private. That’s fine. It’s still lying.
So, knowing that every one of us tells little half-truths, lies by omission, and some tell outright huge lies, what are some signs we can look for to determine if we’re being lied to? As managers or leaders, how can we tell when it’s happening? Working in HR certainly gives one the upper hand in spotting deception. After years of interviewing, questioning, and investigating employee relations issues, I’ve been able to learn what to watch for. Here are a few common tell-tale signs:
- Body language– When someone is being honest, they will turn their body toward you. They will look you in the eye and you will not see them being nervous. If the person is lying, they will do all they can to look away or down without realizing it. They will fidget and move their hands either to their face or mouth.
- Speech and word choice– In my experience, I’ve found two extremes in this area. Some people will talk more quickly and become defensive. You’ll notice that they are speaking in a way not normally characteristic of their behavior. The other extreme is that the person may shut down. They become quiet and do not want to answer your questions. They also tend not to use words like “I” or “Me” in what they are telling you. This is a subconscious attempt not to take responsibility for what is going on.
- Changing the subject- Another tell is that the person will try to get you off the current line of questions and change the subject so that they can feel comfortable again.
- Avoidance- You may not know that someone is lying behind your back. One way to tell is the person will begin dodging you. Do you have an employee that is normally friendly and chatty and suddenly they are not taking your calls or avoiding you when they see you coming? It’s a definite sign that they’re avoiding you for a reason and this is a subconscious way people cut you out.
There are many other signs, but these are the ones that are often most noticeable. What signs tell you that someone is lying to you? Share them in the comments.
I don’t agree that these “tell tale signs” are a good way to deduce (or conclude) that someone is lying. Many people are naturally uncomfortable or self-conscious in certain stressful situations that have nothing to do with them telling lies.
IMO: fidgeting, changes in behavior or speech, or even avoidance of personal/direct communication should not be used to jump to conclusions about anyone’s veracity. The only sure way to tell if someone’s lying is to prove their lying.
Other than that, I love your writing 🙂
@Frank- I’ll have to stick to my guns on this one. Maybe it’s the years of employee relations issues I think of most but I can usually spot someone being deceptive with their body language and I can usually tell if it’s just someone being nervous. I would not use the signs to jump to my conclusion, but it certainly can aid in an investigation and getting to the truth. I always like a good challenge to a post and glad you gave your side. I’m not always right, just opinionated. 🙂
@Dan- You make a good point about behavior being cultural. My experience is largely in the US and thus my eye contact rule holds here. I know other cultures do not view eye contact in the same way. I will admit that even when I’m not investigating someone, I do get “bad vibes” if they can never look me in the eye. Makes me wonder what they are hiding. Add in some other body language and my curiosity is peaked. 🙂
@Animal- Lying isn’t always bad, I just think everyone does it. It can be done to spare feelings or other good reasons. Glad you weighed in!
You make lying sound like a bad thing even though you are forced to admit that it is practical and necessary.
Have to agree with Frank on this one; the eye contact thing is an American habit; having interviewed many people from around the world for many years, there are many cultures that find direct eye contact rude or offensive.
Also in Behavioral Interviewing people will look away from you while they search their memory bank for a specific example of a work behavior that answers the question that you just asked.
Auditors have a concept called professional skepticism; I find that as an interviewer professional skepticism is a good trait to develop.
And yes, I also love your writing!