Do you ever go to work and feel like you work at a restaurant? Like there is a giant menu above your head where customers are just forming a line in front of you and yelling their orders at you all day long?
Sometimes, HR can be like that too. “I’ll take one employee counseling session and a side of spot bonus.” Or, “give me one performance improvement plan, hold the 90 day review period, and add a 30 day mandatory counsel out session.” NEXT! “Make mine a 12% off cycle increase, non performance based, of course, and add on that I have a discrimination complaint against my supervisor that I’d like to file TODAY.” You get the idea.
So what is a good HR pro to do?
They key is to approach your role less like a fast food restaurant. We often strive to provide such quick service that we move from issue to issue without giving much thought and consideration to each item. It’s only when we slow down that we really add the value to each interaction we have. It’s then that we form the relationships. It’s then that the trust is built. The bond is made.
Slow down today. BE fine dining. You may even earn a tip.
How about “One severance, to go!”
Trish – good advice, I think. It is also necessary to step back and try to assess and evaluate all of these interactions to try and spot trends, roadblocks, or common themes. Only then can you make the best choices on questions like process automation, outsourcing, or creating new communication or educational programs for employees. If you can’t take that kind of a wide view, then as you say all you are really accomplishing are very short-term objectives.
I love the idea of slowing down. The best things in life take time!